Before you buy compressed air receiver tank, take some time to learn about the device itself. Our guide to compressed air receiver tanks explains how they work, what they do, and how you can use them to maximize the efficiency of your compressed air system.
What Is an Air Receiver?
An air receiver (sometimes called an air compressor tank or compressed air storage tank) is a vessel designed to receive and store compressed air after it exits the air compressor. This gives you a reserve of compressed air that you can draw on without running your air compressors.
An air receiver is a type of pressure vessel that holds compressed air under pressure for future use. The tanks come in a range of sizes and in both vertical and horizontal configurations.
The Purpose of an Air Receiver Tank
Air receivers play an important role in the air compressor system. An air receiver stores compressed air. It also helps your air compression system run more efficiently. The air tank has three main functions in your system:
It provides temporary storage for a reservoir of compressed air that can be used for short, high-demand events.
It provides a steady air signal to compressor controls.
When used as a "wet tank", it acts as a secondary heat exchanger, increasing the efficiency of your air dryer.
Compressed Air Storage
The primary role of an air receiver tank is to provide temporary storage for compressed air. Storing compressed air allows the system to average the peaks in compressed air demand over the course of a shift. You can think of your air receiver tank like a battery for your compressed air system, except it is storing air instead of chemical energy. This air can be used to power short, high-demand events (up to 30 seconds) such as a quick burst of a sandblaster or other pneumatic equipment, dust collector pulse, or someone using a blowgun to dust themselves off.
The air in the tank is available even when the compressor is not running. Storing compressed air reduces sudden demands on your air compressors, prolonging the life of your system. Using an air receiver may also allow you to use a smaller horsepower compressor for larger jobs.
Compressor Control

The air tank provides a steady pressure for compressor controls, eliminating short-cycling and over-pressurization. Uneven compressed air utilization causes uneven demand on the compressor, resulting in rapid cycling of the compressor controls as the compressor turns on and off to meet moment-by-moment demand. Each time the system turns on and off (or loads/unloads) is called a “cycle”; it is better for the compressor motor to keep these cycles as long as possible. Over time, frequent short cycling will lead to premature failure of switches and other compressor components. Rapid cycling can result in excessive wear of the motor contactor or even a direct motor short because of winding insulation. The air receiver tank eliminates short cycling and provides more consistent system pressure to controls.
Heat Exchanger
As air is compressed under pressure, its temperature increases; this is a simple law of physics known as the Pressure-Temperature Law. Depending on the type of compressor you are using, the air discharged from the compressor may be as hot as 250–350°F. This is too hot for most air-operated equipment to use directly. Hotter air also contains more moisture, which will result in excess water vapor that will condense in control lines and tools if it is not removed. The condensed air must be cooled and dried before it is utilized. A heat exchanger is used to remove excess heat caused by compression. The air receiver tank acts as a secondary heat exchanger; as air sits in the tank or slowly flows through it, it naturally cools over time. The air receiver tank supports the work of a primary heat exchanger; lowering the temperature of the air an additional 5–10°F is not uncommon.
Efficiency Benefits of Air Receiver Tanks
Adding an air receiver tank significantly improves the efficiency of your system. They do this by:
- Reducing waste of compressed air from excessive sump blowdowns.
- Lowering the pressure requirements for the compressor and air network.
- Increasing the efficiency of the dryer by reducing moisture.
Reduce Waste of Compressed Air
As the compressor cycles on and off, air can be wasted. Every time a rotary screw air compressor unloads, the sump tank (oil tank) is vented. Compressed air is released during the venting. Over time, this adds up to a significant volume of compressed air that could otherwise have been used to power processes in your facility. A properly sized storage tank reduces frequent cycling and venting.
Reduce Operating Pressure for the Compressor
An air tank also allows you to reduce the system pressure at which your compressor operates. Without a store of compressed air to draw on, the system will have to operate at higher PSI so it always has the necessary pressure to meet peak demands. In essence, you are asking your system to operate as if your facility is always running at maximum demand. This leads to increased energy use and wear and tear on the system. On average, for every 2 PSI that you increase the pressure of your system increases the energy demand by 1%. This can lead to hundreds or thousands of dollars added to your energy bills annually. As explained above, adding an air receiver tank to your system will even out these peaks in demand, allowing you to meet intermittent periods of high demand without increasing the overall pressure of your system.
Increase the Efficiency of the Dryer
The heat exchanger function of the air receiver tank helps to improve the efficiency of your air dryers. As air passes slowly through the receiver tank, it cools. Cooler air can’t hold as much moisture as warm air, so excess moisture condenses and falls out of the air as a liquid. The water drains out of a valve at the bottom of the tank. By removing some moisture in advance, the air receiver tank reduces the amount of work the dryer needs to do. This improved efficiency translates to additional energy savings for your system.
Wet vs. Dry Compressed Air Storage: What’s the Difference?
When shopping for an air receiver tank, you may be asked whether you want “wet” or “dry” storage. The difference is in the location of the air tank in your overall system; there is no difference in tank construction or design.
“Wet” storage tanks are located before the air drying system. Air flows through the tank in this configuration, entering through the bottom port from the compressor and exiting out the top to the dryer.
- “Dry” storage tanks are located after the air dryers to store compressed air that has already been dried and filtered. It is not necessary to flow the air through the tank for dry storage.

Advantages of Wet Compressed Air Storage
With wet air storage, the receiver tank is positioned in between the compressor and the dryer. Wet air enters the receiver tank from the compressor through the lower port in the tank and exits through the upper port to enter the air drying system. A wet air receiver tank has several benefits:
As explained above, wet storage increases the efficiency of your air dryer by allowing excess water and lubricant to condense out of the air before it hits the dryer.
A wet tank also prolongs the life of the pre-filter element, which is located in between the wet storage tank and the dryer. Since the air going through the filter is cleaner and dryer than it would be directly out of the compressor, slugging of the filter with liquids is minimized, along with resulting pressure drop on the air dryer side of the system.
The compressor does not experience back pressure because the air does not go through filtration before entering the tank. This results in a steadier pressure signal to the compressor controller.
Advantages of Dry Compressed Air Storage
On the other hand, a dry air storage tank has advantages as well. These tanks provide supply air that is ready to use right out of the tank.
Without a dry air tank, air from the wet tank will have to go through the dryer before it is used. During periods of high demand, the dryer is at risk of becoming over-capacitated as the system tries to pull air through at higher volumes than the dryer is rated for. If the dryer cannot keep up with the demand, drying efficiency is reduced, potentially leading to unwanted water in the air lines.
Finding the Right Ratio of Wet to Dry Storage
For most applications, it makes sense to have a combination of wet and dry storage.
The ideal ratio of wet to dry storage is 1/3 wet to 2/3 dry capacity. For example, if you have a total of 1,200 gallons of storage, 800 gallons should be dry storage and 400 gallons should be wet. Dry air is ready to use on-demand. The wet air tank increases the efficiency of the dryer and acts as a secondary reserve when dry air is exhausted. Dry storage needs to be greater than wet storage to minimize the risk of over-capacitating the dryer during periods of high demand.
An exception to this rule is for applications that have steady airflow without sharp peaks in demand. In this case, there is no need for a dry storage tank because air will simply flow through it without being stored up. This is often the case in robotic manufacturing facilities where airflow is consistent and predictable.
How Much Air Storage Capacity Do You Need?
The volume of storage capacity needed by a facility depends on several factors.
Air Compressor Capacity in Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM): The capacity of your air compressors, measured in CFM, dictates how much air can be produced and stored. A larger compressor typically requires a bigger receiver tank to accommodate the volume of air it generates.
Peak CFM Requirements at Moments of Maximum Demand: During periods of maximum demand, the facility may require a higher CFM than the compressor can continuously provide. An appropriately sized air receiver can store enough compressed air to meet these peak demands without causing a drop in system pressure.
Consistency of Airflow: If your facility has a consistent and steady airflow requirement, a smaller tank may suffice. However, in environments where air demand fluctuates, a larger receiver tank helps to smooth out these variations, ensuring a consistent supply of compressed air.
Diameter of the Piping: The size of the piping in your air compressor system also influences the volume of air that can be effectively stored and delivered. Larger diameter piping can carry more air and may necessitate a larger tank to maintain optimal pressure throughout the system.
Other Considerations: Additional factors include the type of air tools or equipment being used, the distance between the compressor and the point of use, and the desired level of air quality. Each of these elements can impact the size and type of air receiver tank needed to ensure efficient and reliable operation of your air compressor system.
Calculating Compressed Air Storage Requirements
A good rule of thumb for most applications is to have three to five gallons of air storage capacity per air compressor CFM output. So if your air compressor is rated for 100 CFM, you would want 300 to 500 gallons of compressed air storage. As explained above, 1/3 of the total storage capacity should be wet storage, and 2/3 should be dry storage.
Flow Consistency
While the standard rule works well for many applications, you will also want to consider other variables in determining your compressed air storage needs. Flow consistency has a large impact on storage requirements.
Facilities with very steady airflow, such as robotic facilities, typically don’t need as much stored air. That’s because they don’t have frequent high bursts of demand that rely on stored air. In this case, air storage can be reduced to 2 gallons per CFM of air compressor capacity. All storage should be wet storage in this case, as explained above.
Facilities with high variability in airflow and large peaks in demand may require larger volumes of stored air. This extra capacity will ensure that the system will be able to keep up with periods of high demand. Testing to determine CFM at peak demand will be needed to calculate storage requirements.
Pipe Diameter

The final consideration in determining air storage requirements is the size of the pipework in the system. The pipes also store air for your compressed air system, and the larger the pipes, the more storage they provide. For systems with pipework of 2” or greater diameter, it may be worthwhile to consider that volume in the calculation.
Can the Air Receiver Be Stored Outdoors?
Compressed air receivers can be bulky, so many users would prefer to store them outside. Outdoor storage saves precious floor space in the facility.
It also helps to reduce strain on your HVAC system in warm weather. The storage tank radiates heat as hot air from the compressor cools within the tank, raising temperatures in the compressor room. Storing your tank outside avoids excess heat buildup in the compressor room and also helps the storage tank perform its secondary job as a heat exchanger more efficiently.
However, outdoor storage only works in milder, non-freezing climates. Make sure your climate is suitable for outdoor placement of your compressed air tank.
Climate Considerations for Air Receiver Storage

Outdoor storage of the air receiver is only appropriate for environments that stay above freezing year-round. In freezing temperatures, outdoor tanks can ice up and even rupture — a costly and potentially dangerous outcome. If your area experiences freezing temperatures during part of the year, it is safest to keep your tank indoors.
Tips for Outdoor Storage of Air Receiver Tanks
If you are storing your air receiver tank outdoors, be sure to conduct frequent inspections to monitor for corrosion. Any signs of corrosion should be addressed immediately to maintain the integrity of the tank.
If your area is subject to cooler temperatures with an occasional risk of icing, take special care of your tank in cooler weather. The tank will generate some heat on its own. However, if temperatures drop too far, the tank is still at risk of freezing. Insulating your tank and providing auxiliary heating during cold weather may be necessary to prevent damage.
Air Receiver Tank Internal Lining Options
There are three main options when it comes to the internal lining of your tank:
- Bare steel interior with primer exterior (typical)
- Epoxy-coated or galvanized interiors
- Stainless steel
Steel Air Receiver Tanks
The majority of air receiver tanks are bare steel on the inside with a primer coating on the outside to reduce corrosion. The exterior paint is commonly matched to the compressor equipment. A basic steel tank works well for most applications and is the least expensive option. However, they may be prone to corrosion if too much liquid is allowed to build up inside the tank.
Epoxy Coated and Galvanized Air Receivers
Some air receivers have treated interior linings to reduce corrosion and reduce contamination in the air stream. These liners fall into two categories:
Epoxy coatings are sprayed onto the interior as a liquid and then cured into a tough, anti-corrosive coating. Epoxies work by creating a moisture-proof barrier between the air and the base metal of the tank.
Galvanized tanks are treated with a protective zinc coating that halts the formation of rust. Zinc protects the base metal by reacting chemically with corrosive agents before they can reach the base.
Both methods provide long-lasting protection for the interior of the tank, but they do add to the cost and lead time. Coated or galvanized tanks are better at maintaining air purity because they reduce the risk of particulates caused by corrosion entering the airstream. Applications needing higher purity air, or users concerned about the longevity of their air receivers, may want to consider one of these options.
Stainless Steel Air Receivers
Stainless steel air receivers are primarily used for specialty applications where very high-purity air is required. They are the most expensive option, but they are highly durable and corrosion-resistant and maintain exceptional air purity. Hospitals, labs, electronics manufacturers and other applications requiring high-purity air should consider a stainless steel tank.
Air Receiver Accessories
Air receiver tank accessories are essential for tank safety and operation. While the tank itself is just a large sealed metal tube, all tanks must have at a minimum:
- A drain to release excess liquid building up inside the tank.
- A gauge to monitor interior pressure.
- A safety valve to relieve excess pressure.

Electronic Auto Condensate Drain
Automatic drain valves eliminate the need for daily manual draining of liquid inside the air receiver. An electric automatic drain valve is programmed to open at set intervals to let accumulated liquid drain out.
Zero Air-Loss Condensate Drains
Zero air-loss condensate drains also provide automatic drainage of the tank. Instead of draining at set intervals, they use a float mechanism to control drainage. The drain will only open when needed, saving energy and reducing air loss from the tank.
Pressure Gauges
The pressure gauge provides a visual indicator for the interior pressure of the air in the tank. You need the gauge to monitor pressures and ensure that the tank is not under stress from over-pressurization.
Pressure Relief Valves
A pressure relief valve is required for all air receivers per OSHA and ASME guidelines. The pressure valve opens automatically to release some air if pressures in the tank are too high. This safety mechanism is essential to minimize the risk of a dangerous rupture due to over-pressurization. The safety valve is typically set to 10% higher than the working pressure of the compressed air system but never more than the rated pressure of the tank's ASME certification.
Vibration Pads
Vibration pads are not required for all applications, but they are recommended if the compressor is mounted on top of the tank. Vibration pads absorb vibrations from the compressor motor and reduce fatigue on the tank.
ASME Certification for Air Receiver Tanks
Many buyers wonder if ASME certification is important for air receiver tanks — and the answer is yes. All air receivers used in industrial applications must be certified by ASME for safety and performance.
What are the ASME Standards for Air Receivers?

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or ASME, is an organization that sets engineering codes and manufacturing standards for a variety of machines, parts and system components. ASME acts as an independent quality assurance organization to ensure the safety and quality of manufactured items. An ASME certification stamp means that the manufacturer has met all safety and engineering standards for their product.
ASME has developed a set of codes and standards for pressure vessels, including air receiver tanks. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Certification Program sets rules governing the design, fabrication, assembly, and inspection of pressure vessel components during construction. These rules include engineering standards for the thickness of the tank body, welds and joints, connections, and other components of the tank. Tank manufacturers must conform to all of the rules to obtain ASME certification.
Can I Buy an Air Receiver Without ASME Certification?
Non-code air receiver tanks should never be used, especially for industrial applications.
Some big box stores carry non-code air receiver tanks. While these may be cheaper, they have not undergone the rigorous manufacturing processes and quality testing needed to ensure that they are safe and reliable. Using a non-code air receiver tank could put your life and the lives of your coworkers at risk.
Can I Make a DIY Air Receiver?
Never attempt to build a do-it-yourself air receiver! Some people may be tempted to convert items like old propane tanks, steel drums or other sturdy vessels into air tanks by welding on fittings, pressure gauges and valves. This may seem like a cost-saving idea, but it is strongly advised against due to significant safety risks and legal regulations. Air receivers operate under high pressure, and improper construction can lead to catastrophic failures, including ruptures that could cause serious injury or even death.
Professionally manufactured air receivers are built to stringent safety standards, using materials and construction techniques that ensure they can handle the pressures involved. In the U.S., they must also be certified by ASME to ensure that the tank has been properly tested and is safe for use in a compressed air system. Attempting to build your own air receiver not only bypasses these essential safety checks but also violates legal standards, potentially leading to fines, insurance issues, and liability in case of an accident.
Inspecting Your Air Receiver for Code Violations
If you are not sure whether or not your air receiver tank meets code requirements, you should have it inspected. Your local Fire Marshall may provide this service. They will stop in and test your tank with ultrasonic metal thickness testing technology. If your air receiver does not pass the inspection, it should be decommissioned and replaced immediately.
All air receiver tanks must also be inspected periodically once they are installed. OSHA does not mandate a specific testing interval, but it is recommended that all air receiver tanks be inspected at least annually. Your insurance company or local governing board may have different requirements. OSHA requires that formal inspections be performed by an inspector holding a valid National Board Commission and in accordance with the applicable chapters of the National Board Inspection Code. Manufacturers are required to keep records of formal inspections and make them available to OSHA representatives upon request.
The inspector will review the current operating certificate and perform an overall assessment of the air receiver, piping and other systems. This will include visually inspecting the vessel walls and all support and mounting bracket attachment welds for evidence of corrosion, cracking, denting, gauges, punctures or weld failures. Internal inspection of the vessel walls may be conducted using cameras or sensors. Where visual internal inspection is impractical, inspectors may instead perform thickness readings using an ultrasonic sensor to look for signs of vessel wall thinning. In addition, the inspector will check:
- Pressure safety valves
- Automatic condensate drain or manual drain valve
- Connected piping
- Proper securing of the tank by bolting it to a solid structure or concrete floor
In between formal board inspections, manufacturers should conduct frequent visual inspections of the air receiver to look for signs of corrosion, damage or weld failure. Check drains daily and safety valves quarterly to make sure they are operating correctly. Contact your manufacturer or compressed air system installer immediately if you see any signs of problems with your air receiver tank.
Air Receiver Safety
Air receiver tanks hold air under immense pressure. This creates safety hazards if the tank is not up to code or is not maintained properly.
Causes of Air Receiver Tank Failure
Pressure vessels must be built to withstand high internal pressures over a long period of time. Over time, corrosion, stress and fatigue can make tank failure more likely. The most common causes of air receiver failure are:
- Faulty design/use of non-code tanks
- Operation above maximum allowable working pressure (over-pressurization)
- Improper installation
- Corrosion
- Cracking
- Weld failure
- Improper repair of cracks/leaks
- Exposure to extreme environmental conditions (freezing or overheating)
- Safety valve failure
Air Receiver Occupational Hazards
The high internal pressures within an air receiver make failure extremely hazardous. Cracking or weld failure can cause the tank to burst with explosive force, projecting large pieces of metal or fragments of shrapnel at high speed. Air receiver tank failure may result in extensive damage to the facility and nearby equipment and severe injury or death for nearby workers.
Maintaining Air Receiver Tank Safety
It is essential to follow all safety guidelines listed in the owner’s manual for your air receiver tank. To improve tank safety, be sure to:
- Only use ASME-certified air receiver tanks.
- Never over-pressurize the tank; follow operating guidelines for maximum pressure.
- Make sure that the tank has a pressure gauge and it is functioning correctly.
- Periodically inspect the tank for corrosion, signs of weld seam stress, cracks, thinning of the vessel walls, and other defects.
- Make sure that the tank has an ASME-certified safety relief valve and the valve is working correctly.
- Drain the tank frequently to prevent liquids from accumulating inside the tank.
- Have all alterations or repairs completed by certified professionals to ensure that the repair meets quality standards.
- Provide safety training for air receiver tank operators.
Consult the OSHA guidelines for pressure vessel safety for more information.
Air Receiver Maintenance and Draining
Regular maintenance and draining of air receivers are crucial to ensure their longevity and performance. Air receivers should be drained daily or as often as needed, depending on the system's moisture levels, to remove accumulated water. This is especially important in humid environments where moisture buildup can occur quickly. Removing moisture from the tank internal corrosion, which can weaken the tank over time and lead to costly repairs or even dangerous failures. By regularly draining the tank, you not only protect the equipment but also ensure that the maximum capacity of the tank is always available for storing compressed air, improving overall system efficiency and reliability.
How to Drain Air Receiver
Draining your air receiver is a straightforward process but should be done carefully to ensure safety and effectiveness. Here’s how to drain your air tank with a manual drain valve:
Locate the drain valve: The drain valve is typically found at the bottom of the air receiver tank.
Open the drain valve: Slowly open the drain valve to allow water, oil, and other contaminants to flow out of the tank. If it’s a manual valve, you may need to use a wrench or handle to open it. Be cautious, as the draining liquid may be under pressure and could spray out quickly.
Monitor the drainage: Let the tank drain completely until only air is coming out, indicating that all the moisture has been removed. This process may take a few minutes, depending on the amount of moisture in the tank.
Close the drain valve: Once the tank is fully drained, securely close the drain valve to prevent any air leaks when the compressor is restarted.
Automatic and Zero-Loss Drain Valves for Air Receivers
Automatic and zero-loss drain valves are valuable options for maintaining air receiver tanks with minimal manual intervention. Automatic condensate drains regularly discharge accumulated moisture from the tank without the need for manual operation, ensuring consistent performance and reducing the risk of forgetting to drain the tank. Zero-loss drain valves take this a step further by removing moisture without releasing any compressed air, thereby maximizing energy efficiency and maintaining system pressure. These valves are particularly beneficial in high-demand systems or where minimizing downtime and energy waste is a priority, providing a reliable and efficient solution for moisture management in compressed air systems.
Pressure Rating Considerations
When selecting your air receiver, it's essential to consider the maximum output pressure your compressor can deliver. The pressure rating for the air tank should typically be about 25-30% higher than the maximum PSI output of the compressor. This extra margin ensures safety, accommodates pressure fluctuations, and allows for the proper functioning of pressure relief valves. This safety buffer helps to manage unexpected pressure spikes and maintains the integrity of the compressed air system. For example:
- If your air compressor operates with a maximum output pressure of 125 PSI, the air receiver should be rated for at least 150 PSI.
- Compressors with a maximum output pressure of 175 PSI should be at least 200 PSI.
- Some high-pressure tanks can handle pressures up to 500 PSI or more, depending on the needs of the application. These tanks must be designed, manufactured, and certified according to strict safety standards to ensure they can safely withstand the higher pressures without risk of failure.
Additionally, each air receiver must be equipped with a safety valve to safely release excess pressure if it exceeds the tank’s maximum rating.
Does Increasing Tank Pressure Increase CFM?
It’s a common misconception that increasing the pressure in your air receiver will provide more air for your processes and tools, potentially eliminating the need for a larger compressor as demand grows. However, this is not entirely accurate. Higher pressure does not translate to increased airflow production (CFM or l/s) but does provide additional stored volume (battery) as long as the pressure is above the required pressure of the tool. This is usually only useful for short-term cases. In instances where the consumed CFM exceeds the compressor compressor capacity, a period of recovery time is required otherwise the pressure will continue to decay. At some point the economy of a larger tank and the recovery wait time is challenged with the fact that a larger compressor to match the consumption to exceed production is the less costly route. In summary, you can't consume more than you produce; Understanding the minimum and maximum pressure requirements of your equipment is crucial, and using pressure regulators at the air receiver or point of use can help maintain optimal pressure levels.
Can Your Air Receiver Help You Save Money?
An appropriately-sized air tank will improve the efficiency of your system — and can even reduce your operating costs for your compressed air system. Your air receiver reduces energy consumption and saves wear and tear on your system.
Air Reservoir
Your compressed air receiver is like a battery for your facility, providing an extra air reservoir you can draw on during periods of high demand. This lets you reduce the overall PSI for your system, resulting in lower energy costs. You may also be able to purchase a smaller air compressor with lower CFM capacity by relying on your air tank for high demand events.
Cycle Count Reduction
As explained above, the air receiver tank reduces cycle counts for your air compressor by evening out peaks in compressed air demands. Lower cycle counts add up to lower energy use and less wear and tear on other system components, extending the life of your compressor.
Pulsation Dampening
The air receiver tank functions as a pulsation dampening device, absorbing vibrations from the compressor motor and pulsations in the air stream. This reduces fatigue on piping and other system components.
Moisture Removal
As air cools in the air receiver, excess liquid condenses and falls out of the air. This results in less work for the air dryer and less energy consumption.
Dirt Removal
Particulates can enter the airstream due to corrosion within the system, motor exhaust from the compressor, or particulates in facility air. Many of these particulates will fall out of the air along with condensate within the air receiver tank. The excess dirt is then simply drained away with the liquids. As a result, the air entering the air dryer is both cleaner and drier than air directly from the compressor.
Air Tank Size Calculator
When sizing a tank for a point of use where it exceeds the compressor capacity:
Deficit CFM = Compressor capacity CFM - Demand CFM
Tank capacity in Cubic Feet = Total storage gallons / 7.48
Stored Cubic Feet = Tank capacity in Cubic Feet / (Minimum equipment PSI -
Compressor Unload PSI) / 14.5
Available Operation Time (minutes) = Stored Cubic Feet / Deficit CFM
Additional Sizing Considerations
System demand: If your system experiences frequent demand surges, you may need a larger tank to accommodate these spikes without causing a significant drop in pressure.
Compressor type: Variable speed compressors may require different sizing considerations compared to fixed speed compressors, as they can adjust their output to match demand.
Multiple compressors: If you have more than one compressor in your system, the cumulative CFM should be considered when sizing the tank.
The Importance of Air Receivers
Your air receiver tank is an essential component of your compressed air system. Having a properly sized air receiver tank ensures the safe and efficient operation of your system and provides a reservoir of extra power for use during periods of peak demand.
If you’re not sure how much air storage capacity you need, or if you have questions about maintaining your tank for safe operation, the experts at Fluid-Aire Dynamics can help. We will perform an assessment of your compressed air usage patterns and recommend an air receiver tank that will fit your needs. We can also help you inspect, repair or upgrade your current storage system. Let us help you address all your compressed air needs.
Let your compressed air tank do its job for you! Contact us today and ask for pricing.