
The ALU-DRY aluminum heat exchanger module has a vertical flow layout, ensuring the wet compressed air flows down and moisture is pulled by gravity to the automatic drain. The design of this heat exchanger can handle much higher temperatures than most competitive designs.

Refrigeration Compresson - The circulation of the refrigerant in the cooling system is done through the highly efficient refrigerant compressor. Thanks to its innovative construction, this has reduced energy consumption and increased reliability levels.

Electronic Control - All models have an electronic control board, with a double sensor system that keeps the dew point and condensing pressure within ideal operating parameters.

Condenser Fan | Coils - Generous sizing of the condenser unit ensures maximum performance of the refrigerant circuit and the ability to operate with changes in ambient conditions quickly. Access to the condenser for cleaning and maintenance is simple.

Condensate Drain Controls - RDA dryers are equipped with an zero air loss drain valve which is controlled by the programmable controller.
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